The TCN75 is a serial programmable temperature sensor that notifies the master controller when the ambient temperature exceeds a user-programmed set point. Hysteresis is also programmable. INT/CMPTR outputs simple comparators or temperature event interrupts that can be programmed for thermostat operations. Communication with the TCN75 is done via a two-wire bus that is compatible with industry standard protocols.
Functional Block Diagram
This allows reading the current temperature, programming set points and lags, and configuring the device. The TCN75 starts in Comparator mode with a default set point of 80°C and hysteresis of 5°C. By default it is allowed to operate independently as a separate thermostat. The shutdown command can be sent over the 2-wire bus to activate low-power standby mode. The address selection input allows up to eight TCN75s to share the same 2-wire bus for multi-zone monitoring.
Diagram of time
All registers can be read by the host, and the polarity of the INT/ CMPTR output is user programmable. Both polling and interrupt drive systems are easy to adapt. The small physical size, low installation cost, and ease of use make the TCN75 ideal for implementing complex systems management solutions.
Typical application