Data di Pubblicazione: 2016-01-05
The latest news from ERNI is the expansion of its new MaxiBridge wire-to-board connector family to a new two-row version. 10-pin or 20-pin connectors provide up to 12A of current carrying capacity per contact on a 2.54mm grid for heavy-duty and space-saving connections.
The two-row MaxiBridge connector system is available in vertical and right-angle versions with 2 x 5 and 2 x 10 positions. Straight and angled male connectors with SMT terminations and proven strain relief, while female connectors can accommodate 180-degree cable exits with corresponding terminations for crimp and stamp termination Contact cavity. The female contacts on the MaxiBridge adopt a double-beam structure with two contacts, which is suitable for harsh, high-vibration environments that require high current connections.
The MaxiBridge connector system has a molded movable latch with an audible click to ensure that the plug and socket are properly connected. To release, the double button on the side of the connector must be pressed. This dual-latch configuration ensures ruggedness and reliability in high-vibration applications without compromising valuable board space.
The redundant fixing function holds the pressure contact point in place with a spring clip built into the contact. The company states that an auxiliary lock in the connector housing provides maximum contact retention.
"The MaxiBridge dual-row wire-to-board connector system not only provides market-leading current density, but also incorporates many design and safety features, making it one of the most reliable and rugged connectors in the industry, while saving space." , Said Sam Hines, ERNI Product Coordinator.
The RoHS compliant MaxiBridge can be mated up to 500 times and is suitable for wire gauges from AWG 18 to AWG 26. The dual-row MaxiBridge connectors are available in four colors, and each color has a unique corresponding mechanical keying function, which can only be matched with a male connector / female connector of the same color. Mating polarization is also guaranteed. The company says that these additional features further ensure error-free coordination, ease of integration, and maximum security for end users.
The MaxiBridge dual row connector system combines small size, high power density and high reliability, and is suitable for automotive (tested by LV214 automotive vibration specifications), consumer, industrial, lighting, medical, telecommunications and transportation applications.