HA-2556 is a monolithic, high-speed, four-quadrant, analog multiplier built in Intersil dielectric isolation for high frequency processes. Voltage output simplifies many designs by eliminating the current to voltage transition phase required for current output multipliers. The HA-2556 provides a conversion rate of 450V/µs and maintains 52MHz and 57MHz bandwidth for X and Y channels, respectively, making it an ideal part for use in video systems.
Functional Block Diagram
The Y-channel has a 0.1dB gain flatness of 5.0MHz, a 1.5% multiplication error, a -50dB feed and a differential input with a bias current of 8 μA further demonstrate its suitability for precision video applications. HA-2556 also has a low differential gain (0.1%) and phase (0.1°) error.
Simplified Schematic
The HA-2556 is ideal for AGC circuits as well as mixer applications for sonar, radar, and medical imaging devices. HA-2556 is not limited to multiplication applications; Frequency doubling, power detection, and many other configurations are possible.